I Feel
Listen here: I Feel

‘I Feel’
This song started out as a clichéd rock song, with screeching Les Paul licks and a driving rhythm. I thought it was very corny but Kev liked it so I recorded a full version of it... I still didn’t like it and took it off the track listing, scrapping it. Then Kev decided to try his own arrangement using my original framework but adding pianos and synths instead of guitars in the build up. I thought it was a great arrangement and it inspired me to add to it, which leads to the version that appears on the album now.
The line “We live out our lives just like a caged bird” directly referencing Maya Angelou's novel.
The line “Now we’re writing out these songs so they can be heard” is influenced by Counting Crows’ “we shout out these songs against the clang of electric guitars” from Mrs Potters’ Lullaby.
Copyright 2022 Neilson and Faulkner