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(I'd Rather be your) Kite

Artwork by Kirsty Guy
kite before and after.jpg

‘(I’d Rather Be Your) Kite’

(previously called ‘Rockets in the Trees’, ’Kite in a Tree’, ‘Kite’)

Both slow and fast versions were inspired by the ‘son clave’ rhythm – the fast version tries to recreate George Michael’s “Faith”. Other tracks that use the son clave rhythm are: Scott Walker 'Hero of the War'; Primal Scream 'Movin on Up'; Bowie 'Panic In Detroit'; The Smiths 'How Soon Is Now?'; U2 'Desire'; The Clash 'Hateful'; Hello 'New York Groove'

The title of the song changed a few times from ‘Rockets in the Trees’ to ‘Kite in a Tree’ to just ‘Kite’ to its final title that was inspired by Lou Reed’s song 'Andy's Chest’ in which he sings: "I'd rather be a kite. And be tied to the end of your string. And flying in the air"

Verses were inspired by Kirsty Guy’s artwork as well as:

I had been working on some ideas based on Kevan’s name for this project: Rockets in the Trees. It all started in January after watching a documentary about Birkinau when they described the day the Red Army freed the Jewish prisoners, and how they had heard the Russian rockets being fired through the trees at the retreating German army.

Then I saw a tree, which was growing next to a metal fence but was so close to it that it had grown into the railings and the bark was closing around the rusted metal.

Then I noticed how its roots were coming up through the soil and breaking through the concrete of the pavement and I marvelled at how nature, despite the barriers around it, keeps on pushing through.

Then I thought about my original understanding of the band name Rockets in the Trees, and how I thought it meant how rockets could disguise themselves within a forest and be mistaken for trees - as in terrible things can be happening right near to us, but we wouldn't know.. we can't see the rockets for the trees. And how

that relates to my fear about the rise of fascism in this country, where seemingly reasonable people on the surface, actually suppress their hatred until the point where when cornered about their beliefs, they show their true colours. This came to a head when Black Lives Matter was followed by the cretinous reaction about ‘All Lives’ mattering.. I actually believed that people who posted that image weren't just ignorant they were actually blatantly racist and didn't care that people knew

it. And so Naziism silently rises just like it did in Germany in the 20’s and 30's. Frightening how we do not learn from history.

And then our artist friend Kirsty Guy came up with some artwork for the band, which blew me away and made me rethink what the hell 'Rockets in the Trees' actually means. As you see, her image is a kite in the shape of a rocket, caught in the branches of a tree. This concept led me to think about dreams and aspirations of me as a young man, and how although I aimed for the stars, I never made it past the treetops.. and how I am not alone. There are millions like me, all with different dreams and most stuck in a tree watching others get to where we wanted to be.

There is also a reference in my line about teenage dreams to Feist's “1234" where she sings "Old teenage hopes are alive at your door Left you with nothing but they want some more"

The final verse of the fast version was written whilst in the studio, as I wanted to end with a positive message and turn the evil rockets into good rockets as they are carrying seeds to replant the natural vegetation and trees we have destroyed.

Copyright 2022 Words and music by Alan Neilson
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